Nest Egg Guru’s proprietary Retirement Savings and Spending apps were originally designed for financial advisors to use with their clients, but they are provided on this website as a free tool to help consumers assess their savings and/or spending preparedness. They were created to solve for some of the commonly cited limitations of Monte Carlo simulation analysis. Nest Egg Guru’s retirement apps are intended to be run iteratively to allow users to easily see how changing variables that are within their control may impact their results. As you will see when you run the apps, the results make retirement savings and spending quantifiable and tangible. Instead of presenting output in terms of “probabilities of success,” Nest Egg Guru’s apps give users a clear picture of how their portfolios may look if the results are historically average, below average, or downright awful.
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Ready to dive in?
Here are links to Nest Egg Guru’s Retirement Savings App and
Nest Egg Guru’s Retirement Spending App
Spending in Retirement
Will your nest egg last?
Saving for Retirement
Will you have enough if returns are below average?
Generate Down-Market Retirement Spending Simulation Results that Include Remaining Balance Data in 5-year Increments
All of our apps present results in a single concise table that helps answer your clients’ most worrisome question – “If things go badly in the markets, will we still be okay?
Test Different Withdrawal Strategies
Nearly all Monte Carlo software used by FAs today implicitly applies constant allocation with annual rebalancing to generate “probability of success” results. Nest Egg Guru’s Retirement Spending app is the only app that allows you to test different spending strategies in order to demonstrate how important the choice of withdrawal strategy may be in making client portfolios last.
Illustrate Glidepath Savings Strategies
Nest Egg Guru’s College Savings and Retirement Savings apps allow clients to test declining equity glidepath strategies vs. constant allocation savings strategies.
Make Retirement Savings Tangible by Clearly Illustrating a Full Range of Potential Outcomes.
The application shows the total amount invested and the complete simulation results with the bottom half of the results emphasized to help clients hope for the best but plan for the worst.