Nest Egg Guru PF – Your GO-TO Personal Finance Website!
FREE Personal Finance Software I Powerful Saving/Spending Simulation Apps I Engaging Content
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to Meet these Common Planning Objectives?
The Retirement Simulation Apps below help address investors’ greatest fear –
“If things go badly in the markets will I/we still be okay?“
Spending in Retirement
Will your nest egg last?
Saving for Retirement
Will you have enough if returns are below average?
Personal Finance Blog – Recent Posts
Nest Egg Guru’s Retirement Simulation Software vs. Traditional Monte Carlo Apps
A video showing what makes Nest Egg Guru’s Retirement Simulator Software better than traditional Monte…
Continue Reading Nest Egg Guru’s Retirement Simulation Software vs. Traditional Monte Carlo Apps
We Fix Bad TikTok Advice Part II – 529 Plan Roth Rollovers
Three TikTok Videos About 529 Plan to Roth IRA Rollovers That Are High on Drama…
Continue Reading We Fix Bad TikTok Advice Part II – 529 Plan Roth Rollovers
Legacy – Where to Turn If There Is No One Qualified to Serve as Your Successor
J.R. explains why he is not a fan of trust companies and urges people to…
Continue Reading Legacy – Where to Turn If There Is No One Qualified to Serve as Your Successor
Frequently Asked Questions
Why are you launching the Nest Egg Guru Personal Finance website?
Nest Egg Guru believes consumers deserve to have the tools necessary to self-manage all elements of their financial lives without having to pay high subscription fees for software and without having their financial data collected and sold to advertisers. Our goal in launching this website is to “democratize” personal finance by making professional planning software and educational content available for FREE to consumers. In doing so, we also hope to fill the void created by the closure of popular personal finance app
Do you offer phone, email, or chat support?
Because Nest Egg Personal Finance truly is a free service, there is no revenue to pay for dedicated tech support personnel. However, our Knowledge Base provides a broad library of articles that address most user experience issues.
NOTE: We are offering limited personal tech support via email for early adopters to help us identify potential pain points and gather user feedback. We may eventually add chatbot functionality to provide answers to common questions.
How is Nest Egg Guru’s business model different from and other personal finance applications?
Intuit’s business model for Mint used subscriber data to sell targeted advertising. While millions of subscribers loved Mint’s user experience, the constant barrage of marketing solicitations is cited among the reasons for Mint’s steady subscriber decline over the past decade. In shutting down Mint, Intuit urged subscribers to migrate to Credit Karma which also operates under an advertising-based revenue model.
Intuit’s Simplifi app, along with upstart app Monarch Money, are far closer substitutes for Mint than Credit Karma. Simplifi and Monarch generate revenue from annual/monthly subscriptions instead of ad revenue. In contrast to all three of the aforementioned applications, the software on the Nest Egg PF website is FREE (i.e., no selling your data, no advertising revenue, no subscription fees).
Additionally, the eMoney and Nest Egg Guru applications provided through the website represent a robust comprehensive financial planning platform whereas Simplifi and Monarch Money are primarily just budgeting/expense tracking apps.
How does the Nest Egg Guru Personal Finance website make money?
The software and content provided on this website is truly FREE to all users. There is no ad revenue and your personal data is not being collected/sold.
At this time, the only value/benefit we receive from this website comes from visitors who read the content we post on the Nest Egg PF blog. These articles are hosted on the websites of Nest Egg Guru’s sister companies (Financial Panning Hawaii and Fee-Only Planning Hawaii). The Nest Egg PF blog drives traffic to these two websites, which helps their search rankings.
Why have I received the Financial Planning Insights newsletter in my email?
While we do not solicit any visitors to the Nest Egg Guru Personal Finance website, all users who subscribe to eMoney through the site are automatically enrolled in our subscriber newsletter. The newsletter is how we share new content. You may unsubscribe at any time. However, there is a reason why the newsletter consistently has a high engagement rate and an open rate north of 75% – we provide engaging content! Sometimes the tone is humorous, other times it may be edgy or controversial, but it is never generic or dull. The articles are presented as “click-bait” summaries to make it easy for you to pick and choose the content that may be of interest to you.
Do you anticipate adding a revenue component in the future?
If there is sufficient demand for access to eMoney, we may eventually charge a low subscription fee to enable us to hire staff to help with eMoney onboarding and customer support. If we decide to implement a subscription fee, we plan to undercut the subscription fees charged by competing applications. Consumers can expect us to follow the Costco principle of providing great value for the lowest possible price. If we do migrate to a subscription model, we plan to confer “Free Forever” status to some number of our early adopters.
If the NestEggGuru PF website eventually attracts enough recurring visitors, we may also consider selling “undeveloped real estate” on on the Nest Egg PF website to advertisers. We do not plan to sell subscriber data to advertisers or permit advertisers to contact or specifically target our eMoney subscribers.
How Secure Is eMoney?
eMoney employs advanced security features and protocols to keep user data private and secure 24/7. Security measures include password protection with two-factor authentication, Secure Socket Layer encryption, firewalls, intrusion detection, audits, inspections, and more. For more detailed information, you may refer to the SECURITY articles in the eMoney Knowledge Base.
Since there is no tech support, what happens if I get locked out?
If you have been locked out after three failed login attempts, but are sure you know your username and password, just wait 15 minutes. Otherwise, just use the link at the bottom of the login screen to request a password reset.
Who can see my data and what data is private?
Because access to eMoney is being provided for free via Nest Egg Guru’s professional subscription, Nest Egg Guru personnel will have the ability to view some data you have entered into the Organizer section of the platform including accounts you may link with various financial institutions. We are blind to all spending information and account numbers, and we cannot view any documents or folders you create in the Private Client Documents folder in the eMoney Vault.
Nest Egg Guru personnel can see any documents you add to the Shared Documents folder. However, as a practical matter, no one from Nest Egg Guru will review your portfolio or look at your documents. Conversely, Nest Egg Guru does not provide any financial planning advice, and users of the software and content provided on the Nest Egg PF website are NOT clients of Nest Egg Guru or its sister companies (Financial Planning Hawaii and Fee-Only Planning Hawaii).
What’s the backstory on Nest Egg Guru’s Retirement Savings and Retirement Spending Apps?
These applications arose out of a series of peer-reviewed journal papers that Financial Planning Hawaii’s founder co-authored with the faculty from the University of Hawaii’s Shidler College of Business. They employ a simulation methodology called bootstrapping that offers certain advantages over more commonly employed Monte-Carlo simulation methods and allows us to present the output in a manner that makes potential retirement savings and spending outcomes more tangible.
Our original plan was to offer the applications to other financial advisors on a white-labeled subscription basis to incorporate into their websites. However, we eventually concluded that the size of the independent financial planner market is too small and too competitive to be viable. Instead, we have decided to keep the applications as proprietary software and to sell them as enterprise subscriptions to financial institutions.
Featured Content

Mint was the most popular personal finance app. 3.6 million users are looking for a replacement, and it is not Credit Karma.

A side-by-side comparison of the features and benefits of Mint vs. eMoney. Think of eMoney as a grown-up version of Mint.

With almost no functionality overlap, CK is no substitute for Mint and is more of a complement than a competitor to eMoney.